Yep, we're moving the day AND the pub! The next Alternative/Underground Comix meeting is Tues 4th October at THE MILLER near London Bridge.
So that's TUESDAY October 4, 8ish until closing at The Miller Pub, 96 Snowfields, London Bridge.
The Crown was cool when we could sit upstairs, because there was lots of room & and it was easy to circulate and talk to everyone. But now they keep closing that part of the pub at 9pm... and if we're sitting in the regular bar downstairs it just ain't so spacious.
So our monthly get together for Comix Kids picks itself up, blows the dust off, and hops a freight train to London Bridge, from where it's but a short walk to The Miller.
So do come along.... it's a chance to chat with people like yourself who dig alternative & underground comix. Bring some comics or art to talk about if you like, or just sit in the corner hunched over your latest obscure comix finds.
Also, it should go without saying that these meetings are a bullshit free zone, with zero tolerance for any kind of abuse. Cool people only!

Art by Dan Clowes and Hurk.